
Who is Mr Crafty?

I grew up in the southern shores of New Jersey. Early on, I knew I liked arts and crafty stuff but never really let loose until later on in life. I developed my skills in cardmaking, papercrafts, and cooking as a teenager. From an outsider's perspective I was one of those kids who had their head in the clouds. But really on the inside I was looking to create an imprint I could leave behind to let everyone know who I was and what I did. So, I used what I knew with a little imagination added into the mix to create and share with others. And to be honest, I wouldn't give up any moment of it to this day.

Crafting is not just making stuff, it's the idea you had at 2AM that had to be written down before you forget, the endless days/nights working on a project with diligence, and the anticipation you get when you present your creations to others.

If you’re interested in featuring your work or advertising on What-Cha-Ma-Craft-It, please shoot me an email at smrtboy90@yahoo.com and I will be happy to assist you.

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